Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? -Anne Shirley-

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I know my goal was to right on my blog once a week but the past three weeks have been so crazy busy. I go go go all the time and get almost no sleep. Good news though I have done amazing at my other goals 3 out of 4 isn't so bad.

Right after my last post my brother Adam and his wife, Aurora came to visit for spring break. It was so good to hang out with them! We went to Vegas and walked around some really cool stores. One store was full of first addition books. They had one Dr Seuss book first addition signed by Dr Seuss. It was going for at least 40,000. Something like that. It was an awesome store. The week after that I had a friend from Logan come visit during her spring break. Then this past week my family came for Easter. I love having my family here. During the 5 days they were here I got around 3 hours of sleep in the afternoon and around 3-4 at night. So worth it. We didn't do a whole lot while they were here but just having them in the same room doing nothing is a boost for me. We did get to go swimming and to the park, we played volley ball a few times. My Dad brought some hand guns and we got to go shooting. That was really fun. It was the first time I have been but I would like to go more often and practice my aim. for the first time though it wasn't so bad.

I look like I am trying to get as far away from the gun as I can.

I am very excited because my boss redid the schedule at work and I will no longer be working 6 days a week at 3 am. I will work 3 days and 2 early mornings every week. I am so excited to have a semi normal sleeping schedule. I am most excited about Mondays though because they are always the hardest for me. I used to stay up all day for church then stay up till 11 or so because we have a game night at our house every Sunday night. I would sleep for about 2 1/2 hours and head to work at 2. Now I don't have to be there till 8. I can get a solid 8 hours of sleep every Sunday night!

The sun is in our face and we look tired but we had a great time!

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