Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? -Anne Shirley-

Friday, March 1, 2013


This week has been great. I taught Sunday school this past Sunday. It was a little rough at first but once I got going I think it went well. My poor teaching partner looked really nervous for me at the beginning. I think he didn't think I would make it at first. I would ask questions and no one would answer. The second half  I remembered what I learned on my mission "don't be afraid of  'awkward' silences".

I got to hang out more with new friends during the weekend as well. It was a smaller group so I felt I could get to know the people better. I am so glad this ward has welcomed me and my roommates in and I can't wait to get to know them better.

We had game night at our house again Sunday night. I always enjoy those. I only wish I didn't work at 2 am every Monday because after game night and only a few hours of sleep I feel like crap the rest of the day. Most Mondays I go to work for a few hours then crash to make up for loss of sleep. No harm done. This week Monday was bad. I forgot to pull out some of the croissants they weren't ready when we opened. Normally it wouldn't be that big of a deal but after that I forgot to press start on the french bread in the oven. After I had been working on the sweet rolls for a bit I  realized it was still in the oven. We had to start all over again. I finally got out of there about an hour late. The funny part is I got in my car and "I had a Sh. Day" by Pink was on the radio. Timing is crazy.

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