Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? -Anne Shirley-

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I've read a few articles on feminism lately and I know it is a very heated debate in todays world. But I want to share my opinion and my beliefs. I think it is a joke!! I don't understand why women want to be men. I enjoy being a women. I love the fact that I get to one day be a stay at home mom, clean my house, cook food for my family, support my husband in his job, and support him as he leads my family towards truth. I have watched my Mom do all these thing and I know she doesn't regret any of it. Also just because she doesn't have an official carrier she has accomplished so much in her life. She has not only raised and taught 11 children and prepared us for life spiritually, emotionally and mentally. She has organized and planned many homeschool group and activities. She has put together and runs a educational camp for youth every year and so much more!!! She is my biggest hero. She has done all this while still teaching me and my sisters that we are ladys. We need to act like ladys and respect ourselves like ladys. There is nothing wrong with any of that! As I have thought about where the world has come and what the feminist movement has done in our world it makes me sad. It emasculates men. It takes away their role in life. If every one is doing the mans job who is going to do the women's job? since the feminist movement started women have started dressing like men, talking, like men, acting like men, and stealing the mans role in life, in the home, and in the work place. This is one of the reasons I like wearing dresses all the time. (besides the fact they are comfortable) I like the way it makes feel. I feel pretty and like a women. This doesn't mean I don't think women shouldn't work or try their hardest to be good upstanding citizens but why do we have to do it while taking over the whole world. We all just need to work together. When my little sister Tanille was a senior in high school she wrote a whole research on this subject and I think it is really well written and has some good points in it. All that I have said is just my opinion but for her paper she studied and worked hard. I hope you take the time to read it because it is great:

Feminism Speech
                When questioned, one-third of women said they consider themselves feminists.  What does it mean to be a feminist though?  Feminists believe in making men and women the same and interchangeable, hoping that if they become the same they will rise above the men in our country.
                To clarify, feminists and the suffragettes of the 1900s are not the same; neither do they stand for the same things.  Suffragettes were family-oriented whereas the feminists promote divorce and casual sex.  They were also against abortion unlike the feminists who say abortion is a way to get out of a trap.  The suffragettes were trying to allow women the right to vote, and with the 19th amendment in 1920 they got what they were fighting for.
                The feminists, on the other hand have been fighting for the Violence Against Women Act.  This act is not gender-neutral, and does not assure men their Constitutional rights in the family courts.  Specifically, feminists promote divorce and hatred of men, deprive men due process protection, and ignore men who are victims.
                To emphasize this, the Violence Against Women Act is all about rights for women, but what does it do for the men in our country?  For starters, it will bring many innocent men to prison because of false accusations and guilty presumption without any evidence.  The men in our country are being accused of rape and abuse.  This will give the men of this country fewer rights than some robbers or murderers because they do not have a fair trial.
                Feminists have also promoted one night stands instead of marriages and though marriages have decreased, divorce has increased.  Even their membership quota states, “No more than one-third of members can be participants in formal or informal marriage,”  Feminist leader Jaclyn Geller said, “We must stop repeating the absurd mantra ‘it’s okay to be single’ and adopt the more aggressive stance that, ‘it’s not okay to be married.’” This shows how aggressive they are becoming. 
                As a result of the anti-men publicity, feminists have been trying to circulate; men cannot do anything about the feminists.  If a man tries the feminists reply with shrewd comments such as, “Any man today who may say that they are being male-bashed by the movement shows insecurity.
                Nonetheless men have tried to go up against the feminists, with little success.  Roy Den Hollander, after going to the Supreme Court about discrimination, said, “Fighting for men isn’t a very popular thing to do in America these days.  Feminists take control of every institution.” 
                Although the feminists are damaging to men, women are affected in a negative was as well.  Most women in America want a family to love and depend on.  Feminists have made this reasonable goal difficult and unpopular.
                Equally important is the fact that they are saying there is no difference in gender.  Feminist Susan Okin states it in this way, “One’s [gender] would have no more relevance that one’s eye color or the length of one's toes.”  They decide to ignore the research that has been done that suggests that men’s and women’s brains are wired differently and that they have hormonal differences.
                All in all, why would the feminists want this great change in America?  Why would they want women to have sex on a whim and afterward abort their children or promote unnatural birth control?  There is no one answer but feminists want women unattached form children and family life, the place women instinctively want to be.  They are promoting women to work hard in the work field, saying they should have the same jobs as the men, and if they aren’t like in science and math they call it discrimination.  Though as Larry Summers says it is not from discrimination but because these women usually want flexible schedules instead of working the labor-intensive way men have to in order to get to the top jobs of these fields.  In research concerning women working it was proven that as women have gained more freedom, education and more power, they have become less happy. 
                Feminists have seen a problem and tried to fix it.  There was discrimination against women but rather than balancing the scales they are trying to reverse them.  Equal rights are great, but when we try to make men and women interchangeable we create problems.  The “equal rights” amendment does not truly promote equal rights, but only the agenda of the feminist leadership.  Because of the suffragists and other women we have equal rights in America.  We cannot now put the men where the women once were.

Thank you Tanille for putting it so nicely and allowing me to share your paper! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. I also hope I didn't offend too many people I just wanted to share the way I feel.

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