Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? -Anne Shirley-

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Beginnings

I know it has been a really long time since I have posted anything but between work and moving  I just didn't have time for anything extra. I am now living in St George. I have been here one week and I love it so much! My only wish is to have my family closer.
The month of January went by so fast! I apologize to anyone in Logan or Idaho that I didn't get a chance to see before I left. I tried to do everything but I had to sleep sometime. This past week I have been working at the best bakery in the world! (that is until I have my own bakery). It is so great to be baking every day again! I have made so much french bread and cinnamon rolls. Today I got to add sugar cookies. By this time next month I will be doing it all!
I have great roommates. I LOVED living with my brother, Taylor, but  it is fun to have some girl friends again. They are forcing me to be more social. In the past week I have gone to Family Home Evening, a party and I talked to a boy (I said that for you Tanille :) ) I also went out to lunch with one of my missions friends and his wife.
Today is my first day off all week and I am going to enjoy some down time before Church tomorrow and game night tomorrow night.

I am so grateful for all the blessing the Lord has given me. Everything just fell into place for this move. I know He has a plan for me here and I am SO excited to see what it is. I am also grateful for my family! They took time out of their busy lives to help me move and spend time with me here in St George. Life is good!


  1. Good for you that's awsome I'm sorry it doesn't snow there I guess you can't have all of the good luck. Marissa and I will have to come visit you soon.

    1. I don't like snow so... Ido have it all :) you should totally come visit!! I would love that. If you don't like heat you might want to come before May.
