Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? -Anne Shirley-

Monday, November 26, 2012

12 Days of Christmas

This past week was great! Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday. All the wonderful food and the whole family together. I was able to start this weekend at the Temple with my Mom. I love it there and I always leave the Temple rejuvenated and full of the spirit. What a great way to start the holiday weekend. On Wednesday we made 13 pies. Talk about a great day! We finished up the week by going up the canyon and cutting down the Christmas tree.
Rizt (Todds dog)
 I am really excited for the Christmas season to start. On my Mission my First December there my companion, Sister Ward and I came up with a 12 days of Christmas. It was really fun and I hope to do it this year. Here it is for any of you that would like to join me. If you start this on Dec. 13 you will do the last activity on Christmas Eve.


1.      Luke 1:17 Just like John the Baptist led the way for Jesus Christ, we can all lead those around us to Christ. Make a list of 4 people you know and invite them to either a ward Christmas party or your ward Christmas cantata (Christmas Sacrament meeting

2.      Luke 2:25-34 Like Simmeon we all had the opportunity to see Christ in our life and witness of Him. Write down your testimony of the Savior and The Book of Mormon.

3.      3 Nephi 1:15-20 Nephites looked for the sign of Christ’s birth. Find a sign of Him in your life and put it on your Christmas tree.

4.      Luke 2:7 Is our “inn” too busy for the Savior? Ponder how you could make your life more Christ-centered and set goals to achieve this.

5.      Matt. 2:3&16 Like Herod do we try to push Christ away? Think of one thing  you could change in your life to allow the Spirit to dwell with you more.

6.      Luke 2:15-17&20 The shepherds shared what they knew with everyone. Share what you have – put your testimony from day 2 in a Book of Mormon and give it to someone. (if you can’t find someone find your local missionaries and they will find it a good home.)

7.      Matt. 2:7&11 The wise men gave wonderful gifts to the Christ child. Take a Christmas treat to someone.

8.      Matt. 2:2&10 The star was a sign to all throughout the whole Earth. Preach My Gospel is our guide to bring all to the gospel. Teach a Family Home Evening from Preach My Gospel.

9.      Luke 2:9-24 The Angel proclaimed to all the heavenly message! Go to and find a Mormon message video that you could share with a friend

10.  Matt. 1:19-24 Joseph was a wonderful example of loving unconditionally. Think of someone that you may be holding a grudge against and forgive them.

11.  Luke 1:27-30 Mary found great favor with God because of her Christ like nature. Review your goals from day 3 and think of someone you know that exemplifies Christ

12.  Luke 2:11 Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. We are all trying to become more like him. Write a note to the person you thought of yesterday telling him/her about how you appreciate their example. Deliver it to them anonymously with a picture of Christ.

Merry Christmas!

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