Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? -Anne Shirley-

Friday, November 9, 2012


I am not a huge fan of snow but as I sit here sipping pumpkin spice hot chocolate, (very good by the way!) wrapped in a blanket, I can smell my dinner cooking in the oven, and it reminds me of home. I am ok with snow when it brings great memories! I remember one time the power went out. We lit candles and Mom made us the biggest hamburger ever (she made one family size hamburger that we cut up) After dinner we all "camped" in the living room around the wood burning stove while Mom read to us. I liked the snow that night.

I remember one time my brother, Todd convinced me to go snowboarding with him. I am not a snowboarder! I tried a few times until the last time I fell, hit my head, and got whip lash. Another time our whole family went sledding. My Aunt Melissa thought it would be a good idea to use pizza pans and tarps because we didn't have enough sleds. Well the tarps didn't work at all but the pizza pan work fantastic for a few hours. It worked right up to the moment Noelle and Todd crashed into each other and cut Todd’s face really bad. Not so fun. So do you see why I don't like snow? Not only is it cold, and scary to drive in, but it is dangerous!

This is a picture of Sister Ward and me the day after Christmas 2010. It snowed so much we couldn't leave our apartment for almost a week. I was grateful for the snow that week because that was the week I had a biopsy in my leg. I couldn't walk that much so the snow made it the weathers fault and not mine that we didn’t work.

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